I have been longing to support you during this devastating time since it began. However, I have not had electricity—and therefore no internet or cell service—since January 7. Not even gas, and the cascade of consequences that come with it. I am typing this message offline, so please excuse any typos; English is not my first language. But the message is too crucial and urgently needed to wait. I trust that you will receive what you need from this.
Being a yogi, in times of crisis, I tend to retreat inward, seeking refuge and drawing strength from higher resources, looking for the most effective way I can be of service to others—to you, dear one. I invite you to do the same: to contemplate whether watching the news all day and receiving "alerts" that may not truly apply to you is serving you in the most positive way.
spiritual bypassing to avoid medical care can be particularly harmful when it leads to neglecting critical treatments like surgery, medication, or psychological therapy, under the assumption that spiritual methods alone will heal all aspects of the self. It’s essential to recognize that balance is key, and addressing all layers of your being is crucial for true wellness.
I felt there was a missing piece, that people think I am just flowing through this easily. It felt misleading, and I need to be more honest with you all.
Watching my life story unfold on a giant Hollywood screen, where the Oscars are hosted, was one of the most mind-blowing things that happened in my life, like “I’m-a-girl-from-Yemen-HOW-DID-THIS-HAPPEN?!?!” Seeing my journey begin from a violently brutal childhood and adolescence to becoming the yoga leader that I am today during the premiere of Scars Unseen brought a profound realization of how impermanent every moment truly is. My journey through cancer treatment has further illustrated the temporary nature of both suffering and joy.
This journey is a process of death and rebirth. Chemotherapy is literally killing all the cells in my body, both the cancer cells and the healthy cells, but because the body is so miraculously intelligent, new cells emerge, new hair grows, and a new life filled with pure potential begins. I am open to it all, embracing the experience and all the learning and wisdom that comes with it.
"Open the door, its the police! I had not spoken to anyone in my family for about 8 years, except for the letter that I wrote to my father when I was told he was on his deathbed. They had been trying to reach out to me through so many channels and through so many people, but I never responded. To the point that in 2014, I was in my apartment in Santa Monica, and it was about 2:00 in the afternoon
I walked into my first Kirtan Vinyasa Yoga class with Govind Das about 16 years ago, at Bhakti Yoga Shala in Santa Monica, CA. I was completely new to the yoga world, and this was maybe the second yoga class that I ever took. I had thought at the time, that all yoga is the same, a physical exercise. Although the class name was slightly different, Kirtan Vinyasa Yoga, I didn't think much of it. I thought it was a creative name for a yoga class, a branding thing. As long as the word yoga was there, I was in!
I have seen these practices heal, reform and even save people's lives, mine included. That is why it is my purpose in life to share them with as many people as possible. It is true that when you deeply desire something, the entire universe will conspire to help you achieve it. So believe in your dream and protect it my friend, I am living proof that you are the creator of your life experience.
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there” ~ Rumi. There once was an old zen farmer, he had a son and a horse. Every day, the farmer used his horse to help work his fields and keep his farm healthy.
My grandmother was married twice. My mother was married twice. I was married twice. So when I fled to the United States in 2006, I left all that turmoil back behind me in Yemen, but Yemen didn't leave me. I was still thinking the same deeply rooted fearful thoughts, and recreating the same generational results, just with different characters in my life. Of course I struggled with dating, relationships, men, sex, trust, giving and receiving love.
How I Went From Barely Touching My Toes to Becoming a Certified Yoga Instructor. One of the cohort graduates Tiffany Yau, shares her yoga teacher training experience with me, and explains it beautifully in this article.
The privilege of a lifetime is knowing who you are ~ Carl Jung. It hasn't been easy, this year has been a mixed bag. I lost my precious dog to cancer, went through a brutal break up and had my heart shattered into pieces.
Wow wow wow! I am in awe of gratitude for all of you that sent me emails, text messages and DMs all social. The response of love and support that I received in regards to my last Zen Diary entry, Starting a New Career at 40, was record-breaking! Many of you have sent me questions about my Memoir, about my manifestation yogic technique, and about my upcoming Yoga Retreat E M B O D Y. I will gladly answer all your questions below.
When my reality did not resemble anything near success or glamor. I still closed my eyes, breathed fully and visualized my desired future. When I was almost getting deported, when I was handed my eviction notice, when I filed for bankruptcy, when I got fired from my job, when my boyfriend broke up with me and when I was quarantined all by myself. When people around me thought I was delusional, unrealistic and held interventions because they were so worried about me and wanted me to get a “job”, I still closed my eyes each and every day, first thing in the morning and last thing before I sleep, and visualized an optimistic future where I can spread the very teachings that I deeply love and saved my life and help as many people as I can on their own transformative journey to heal, transform and manifest their best life.
MANIFEST YOUR DREAMS! Because they do come true! If this girl can do it, anyone else can! Alongside, Michelle Obama and Serena Williams, Maha Bodhi, M.A. is now represented by the Harry Walker Agency in Beverly Hills - part of WME - as she leads captivating inspirational speaking engagements, international yoga retreats, events for Fortune 500 corporations and is featured in the upcoming HBO documentary “Scars Unseen”.
I was a 19 year old disempowered and marginalized young woman standing up against the most powerful men, in a corrupt country run by dictators. I was being slut shamed and locked up. Yet my brave little soul held its ground and said, no way!
A few days ago I received a text message from two of my younger sisters in Yemen that my father is on his deathbed, and his death wish is to speak to me.