Self Sabotage


Dear Friend,

How are you today? I want to check in with you, cause I’m feeling it too. These times that we are living, can be very triggering. Since we are an adrenaline driven culture, when we are forced to be still, it can produce a psychic scream. Painful feelings can get stirred up.

For me it’s definitely bringing up fear, and all kinds of it! Fear can be disguised as doubt, uncertainty, anxiety, anger and sadness. What is this bringing up for you?

I consciously asked how are you “today”, because in times of uncertainty, we can only take it one day at a time. As we can easily get caught up in the web of anxiety by thinking too far ahead, in a futile attempt to control the unknown.

So how about we take this time for sacred reprioritization and using compression for Alchemy? In a yoga retreat, we retreat from our regular day-to-day lives, and isolate in a way, we fall apart, we nourish our bodies and soul, recalibrate, and then eventually transform. These days of isolation, can be viewed as some sort of retreat. A retreat to go deep within, allowing us an opportunity to come out of this experience completely transformed.

As it is my soul's purpose to help people heal, transform and manifest, I offer you a powerful self acceptance meditation and breathwork practice. This pre-recorded practice is available to you for 24 hours. It is part of my 21 day meditation and breathwork program, Just Breathe.

Self Acceptance Meditation & Breathwork

Self sabotage occurs when we do not fully accept our selves. This practice is designed to allow you to fully accept your self exactly the way you are, cultivating self worth and a sense of enoughness. This allows you to hold your space not from a place of ego, but from a place of self love, empowerment and self esteem.


  • Keep a journal near by, and write down what came up for you during meditation. This can help clarify and dismantle limiting beliefs. It is also a powerful way to unload toxic energy and transmute it on to paper, which is made out of matter. So you transmute energy into matter

  • Find a quiet place

  • Make yourself comfortably seated on a chair, cushion, or mat

  • Be seated upright for the breathwork portion. For the meditation portion, you can continue to be seated or you can recline on your back for more support


  • Light palo santo, incense or a candle

  • Put on a dab of essential oils

  • Hold on to healing crystals or stones

  • Have a warm blanket nearby

  • Invite a friend (virtually of course)